I Got My Voice Back

I got my voice back
Precious Uses Her Voice to Share Her Journey

"Claris Gave me my Voice Back."

I felt like something was different with my body so I took a home pregnancy test this past July. I’ve been pregnant twice before, in college. During both pregnancies, I didn’t have any support and didn’t know where to go for help. I felt as if my voice was taken away. I had no choice. My feelings were drowned out by everyone else’s opinions. I wish I had the courage to make the choice that I truly wanted to make; to carry.

When I found out I was pregnant again this past summer, I had a lot of mixed feelings. I wasn’t sure if my family would be supportive or try to force me to get an abortion again. I heard about Claris from a few different people. It was clear to me that I needed to visit because I didn’t know where to begin my journey or find support to make this pregnancy different than the two before. My first appointment at Claris was an incredible blessing! The staff was so kind. I felt zero judgment and was impressed by their willingness to help a stranger at no cost. 

As I had my first ultrasound, the nurse eased my fears and talked me through the whole thing. I loved getting my ultrasound pictures and still have them on my mirror. Leaving that visit, I felt like I had my voice back and I wasn’t alone. This was finally my choice, a moment of light in the midst of darkness.

In the following months, I joined Claris’ Parenting Program, where I learned all about my pregnancy, received baby supplies and resources for housing, and many other necessities.


Now I have a community willing to be there for me. I’m finally able to be excited about becoming a mom. I used to seek approval and validation from others, but Claris has given me confidence in myself. 

 I would like to introduce you all to our new baby girl, Halo Dream (born 2/5/19)!

– Precious

With integrated care, people like Precious gain the courage to find their voice, to break the silence, and to make healthy choices. Those choices can include parenting their children in a positive way, healing from their past, finding a community of support, and believing that God has a hopeful plan for their future."

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