Finding Help in Motherhood

It's Not Always Easy

“Waking up each morning battling lupus (an autoimmune disease) and being reminded that you are newly widowed with 4 kids can seem overwhelming for just one person to handle.”

In honor of Mother’s Day, Shammeer shares her journey with us to encourage other moms and women out there who are battling feelings of defeat and hopelessness. She reminds us that ‘the hard times are just for a season and it will pass’. With Claris behind her each step of the way, let her story of overcoming obstacles inspire you in whatever you may be facing. #NeverAlone

“I’ve had a lot of trials. The tragic loss of my husband is one I am still grieving. My second daughter, Shelora, had a twin sister but she was in utero at only 9 weeks. I was also diagnosed at age 18 with Lupus. Some days, I am just spent. These hardships not only challenge me personally but also my patience as a parent when my kids need me to be available emotionally, mentally and physically.

If I didn’t have my faith or the support of Claris, there would be too many things that would easily bring me down, but when I see my kids it changes things. They make light of everything. My oldest, Taj, tells his sister, Shelora, ‘Don’t worry, sister. Daddy is in your heart.’ He also has a special routine with the twins that whenever he says, ‘Where’s Daddy?’ The twins look and point up. ‘Heaven,’ they say.

I Know I Am Not Alone

I want to encourage mothers out there today to take yourself out of the negative space. It’s just for a season and it will pass. Going to Claris Health, they assisted me with my parenting growth and my own personal growth. I know I am not alone because of what Claris has done for me and my family. I feel encouraged and empowered so thank you to the team, to Stacy and Niki and the other staff at Claris who give me a warm smile and a tight hug. Those two gestures change things.”

All Mothers Need Community

No matter what your circumstances are, where you are from, or what decision you choose to make with your pregnancy, Claris is here for you. We want to come alongside you in your journey and provide a safe space where you feel valued and heard.

‘Claris’ means clarity and that is what we offer with free medical, counseling, and support services to women and families who are parenting children under the age of 5.

Contact us today to book your appointment at our West Los Angeles Clinic or Inglewood Clinic

We are thankful to be a part of Shammeer’s support system. Please join us by CLICKING HERE in helping moms like Shammeer all across this city!

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